Moab Area

Best activities for families in the Moab Area

Fiery furnace hike

The Fiery Furnace: The Most Amazing Hike in Arches

The Fiery Furnace is not your typical hike; it is a maze-like exploration through tight slot canyons, along sandy washes, and up slickrock scrambles that require physical fitness, good navigation skills, and respect for the delicate desert ecosystem. As Utah locals, we've hiked all over Arches National Park and throughout Southern Utah, and we can confidently say that the Fiery Furnace is one of the best hikes in Utah.

Moab arch with kids

15 Incredible Moab Hikes for Kids

Moab, known for its stunning red rock landscapes and natural arches, is a fantastic place for kids to hike and get a first-hand idea of what makes this area so amazing. As Utah locals, one of our favorite places to hike with our kids is in Moab, so we hope our experience helps make your family trip to Moab even better.